Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A New Adventure.......

As I approach this new adventure I feel a million different emotions, ranging from super excited to super anxious! What adventure is it you ask??? Well, actually, there are two, maybe that explains the wide range of emotions! We are in the process of relocating back to Seattle from the desert, also known as Las Vegas. We have established ourselves here over the past five years and have built wonderful relationships here, each and every one I am thankful for, but one thing is missing... and that's family... With a Godson that I only see once or twice a year, a new nephew on the way, a niece who is approaching her teen years, (and two nephews who I hope move to Seattle in the next couple years, hint hint) I am starting to see how important it is to be surrounded by family. Please wish me luck as I know my eyes will be filled with tears as I leave the place I have made home, but I will also have a smile and an open heart to our new adventure!

Now on to the second new adventure.... and the reason for this blog..... wait for it..... Photography!!! Yes, I love to capture special moments and see the joy that these special images brings to families! It all started last spring when my son dropped my point and shoot camera while we were at Six Flags. I was totally bummed, I had only had the camera for 6 months! I went without a camera for a few months until my Best Friend Leyna, from Heleyna Holmes Photography, came to visit me in Las Vegas. She had been telling me all about this amazing camera that she had, and that I had to buy one. After a few days full of photoshoots, I searched around for the best deal and sealed the deal. I took my kids out for a few photoshoots and I had an absolute blast! But being a busy mom and a new fitness instructor, my camera had started to collect a little bit of dust. Once I picked it back up, the flash was broken :( So I sent it in for repair and with the encouragement from my dear friend Leyna, I decided that I was going to put this camera to use and start this new venture! I have a lot to learn but I am thrilled for this adventure! I am really looking forward to the arrival of my new nephew, he is going to be the most photographed baby in our family :o)

Be on the lookout for more to come!

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